Products & Services

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Welding Inspection Mirrors

Fast, accurate visual inspection of hidden areas with an almost limitless number of positions. Double ball joint links swivel mirrors for viewing to 360°. Ullman's precision engineered links are manufactured from tempered spring steel to withstand the stresses of constant repositioning, move freely, and hold desired position.

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Inspection Flashlight Torch

Delivers user-friendly, performance oriented features in a sleek, tactical design and is driven by the next generation of MAG-LED® technology. Very useful inspection torch light for inspection in tool room, welding inspection tools to check weld defects, spot welding defects, or common weld defects at onshore, offshore and automobile Industry. Flashlight LED inspection torch suppliers are all over world.

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Welding Inspection Flashlight Torch

  • High-intensity adjustable light beam (Spot to Flood)
  • Rugged, machined aluminum construction with knurled design
  • Anodized inside and out for improved corrosion resistance
  • Water and shock resistant
  • Spare lamp safely secured inside the tailcap
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Pocket Telescopic Inspection Mirror

  • 7/8” diameter.
  • All-angle ball joint holds mirror head firmly at any angle for fast inspection.
  • Telescopes from 5-5/16” to 27-1/8” for fast inspection.
  • Handy pocket clip.
  • Textured cushion grip will not slip in wet or oily hands.
  • Replacement Mirror head: A-2HD
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Oval Inspection Mirror

  • 1" x 2 " mirror Overall length 8 1/2"
  • Handy Pocket clip
  • Replacement refill Mirror: B-2R
  • Replacement mirror head: B-2HD
  • All-Angle ball joint holds mirror head firmly at any angle.
  • Sturdy vinyl grip
  • Replacement clear glass mirrors for perfect reflection.
  • Telescoping and pocket models.
  • Non-rotating inner hex rods on telescoping models prevent mirrors from swinging out of alignment when in use.
  • Insulating vinyl grip on all models.
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Welding Profile Gauge

Caltech Engineering Services Mumbai – India offers Welding Profile Gauge, Welding Profile Comb, Weld Profiler, Contour Gauge, also known as Weld Profile Gauge, Profile Comb, or weld Profiler

A weld profile gauge is just the right tool for testing welding profile, matching wheel arches and body contours, or forming panels. Simply press the gauge against the piece you want to copy. Pull it away, and there's your reproduction.

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Digital Pit Depth Gauge

Caltech Engineering Services - India offer best digital pit depth gauge.

A pocket size digital pit gauge fitted with battery is ready to use for accurate measurements of pits on corroded surface of costructed pipes, structures at onshore and offshore installations and welding inspection of pipelines. Digital pit gauge, with the designed based on a digital vernier caliper with direct reading.  It is easy to use and provides fast and accurate measurements of surface pits, gauges, dents, undercuts, and corrosion study, evaluations etc.

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Portable Leeb Hardness Tester

Caltech Engineering Services Mumbai – India offers leeb hardness tester. portable digital hardness tester Leeb 180 is an advanced state-of-the-art Palm Sized professional metal hardness tester with many new features. Digital portable hardness tester Leeb 180 is light weight, easy in operation, integrated probe design, high contrast OEL Organic Electroluminescent Display, low operating temperature, auto compensating for impact direction.

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Gauss Meter

Caltech Engineering Services - India offer best anlog field strength indicator or magnetic field strength Indicator. Magnetometer is a pocket size do not require battery.

Magnetometers can be used as metal detector. Gauss meter is generally used to detect magnetism after demagnetizing. It has a scale of positive and negative polarity in small divisions reading in gauss, 10-0-10 or 20-0-20 or 50- 0-50.

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Hi Lo Welding Gauge

  • Hi Lo Welding Gauge MEASURES INTERNAL ALIGNMENT of pipe after fit-up / alignment, cuts radiographic rejects.
  • Hi Lo Welding Gauge measures internal misalignment of pipe before and after tacking.
  • Hi Lo Gauge Measurements read in standard one side, and metric on the opposite side.
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Root Weld Spacing Gauge

Easy operation determines rootweld spacing.

1. Unlock the retaining screw and insert the gauge interior alignment stops between the two      pieces of pipe to be fitted.

2. Insert the leg with the longer taper into the root gap until it makes contact with both sides of  the gap.
3. Re-lock the retaining screw, remove the gauge and read it.
4. The scale is calibrated in fractional dimensions from 1/32 to 3/16 in 1/16 inch increments.      The read-out you receive represents the amount of rootweld gap

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Adjustable Fillet Weld Gauge

Measure any fillet weld to 1/32" accuracy with just one simple to use gauge.

Measuring fillet welds used to be a trial with complicated or inaccurate gauges. Not any more. Now you can measure fillet welds from 1/8" to 1" (with ±1/32" accuracy) with one economical, simple to understand gauge.
The G.A.L. Adjustable Fillet Weld Gauge uses an offset arm which slides at a 45° angle to make fillet weld length measurements. Simply adjust the arm until it touches the toe of the vertical leg. The gauge is calibrated to 32nds, with metric equivalents given, so you get more accurate readings. Four screws hold the offset arm in position for future adjustments.

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Automatic Weld Size Gauge

With the new improved GAL Gauge A.W.S. Gauge shown above it is possible to meet specifications of butt and fillet type welds. New edesigned instrument is pocket sized and easy to operate, new feature includes thumb screw which replaces old hard to perate rivet type.

Diagrams at left illustrate the ease with which welders and inspectors may accurately check sizes of convex or concave fillets as well as butt weld reinforcements.

The convexity and concavity sizes have automatically been predetermined in accordance with American Welding Society D1.1Paragraph 3.6. 

GAL Welding Inspection Gauge is precision built of stainless steel with dimensional readings chemically etched and filled for easier reading

GAL Gage Co manufactured high performance welding inspection gauges are highly popular and recommended by welding inspectors.

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Fillet Weld Gauge

The G.A.L. Fillet Weld Gauge allows fast, accurate measurement of eleven (11) fillet weld sizes: 1/8, 3/16, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8, and 1", and their metric equivalents, to determine weld sizes, either concave or convex.

Each gauge blade is made of 1-1/4" x 4" cold rolled stainless steel to resist rust and bending. Blades are deburred to remove rough edges. All sizes and numerals are engraved into the surface for easier reading. The set of seven blades comes in a handy 2" x 4 1/2" pocket case weighing only 4 oz

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Socket Weld Contraction Rings

  • Every socket weld gap, the proper 1/16" minimum required by ANSI 31.1 Section III ASME US Navy & Military Codes
  • No more scribe and pull out procedure
  • No more measuring or guessing gap distance
  • And no more cracked welds due to contraction of improperly gapped joints
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Pipe Pit Gauge

Caltech Engineering Services - India offers GAL-USA Make Pipe Pit Gauge.

Pocket sized pipe pit gauges are available from Stock.

Pipe Pit Gauge is a mechanical and handy instrument for measuring pits, dents on pitted, corroded, and stored pipes for long period. Pipe Pit Gauge is very easy to operate with measuring range 0-1/2" inches.Pipe Pit Gauge need to simply place on the horizontal pipe and stylus is required to place in the pit.

About Us * Adjustable Fillet Weld Gauge * Analog Surface Profile Gauge * Automatic Weld Size Gauge * Bent Beam Test * Bresle Test Kit * Cable And Pipe Locator * Calibration Services * Cathodic Disbondment Test Equipment * Cathodic Protection Instruments And Equipments * Chlor Testa * Chloride Test Kit * Chloride Test Kitfor Water And Liquid * Coating Thickness Gauge * Coating Thickness Meter * Color Cards * Concrete Moisture Meter * Conical Mandrel Bend Tester * Copper Sulfate Portable Half Cell * Corrosion Coupons * Corrosion Pit Gauge * Corrosion Testing Instruments And Accessories * Cross Hatch Cutter Accessories * Cross Hatch Cutter Kit * Current Interrupter * D. C. V. G Survey Equipment * Dew Point Meter * Dewpoint Tester * Digital Adhesion Tester * Digital C. P Multimeter * Digital Pit Depth Gauge * Digital Surface Profile Gauge * Digital Thermometer * Digital Voltmeter * Dust Test Kit * Dustiness Tape * External Rolling Spring Electrodes * Fillet Weld Gauge * Fineness Of Grind Gauge * Four Point Bend S. S. C Test * G. P. S Pipeline Current Mapper * Gauss Meter * Gloss Meter * Grit And Shot Blasting Comparator * Hexagonal Wet Film Thickness Gauge * Hexlogger * Hi Lo Welding Gauge * Holiday Detector * Hydraulic Adhesion Tester * Hydrogen Induced Cracking Test * Hypodermic Needle Pressure Gauge * Indentation Resistance Tester * Indentation Test Low Temperature * Infrared Thermometer * Inspectin Services * Inspection Flashlight Torch * Insulator Tester * Intelligent Glossmeter * Internal Conductive Brushes * Jeep Meter * Magnetic Surface Thermometer * Multi Blade Cross Hatch Cutter Kit * Oscillator * Oval Inspection Mirror * P. C. B Copper Thickness Tester * P. R. M Peak Reading Meter * Paint Evaluation Tool * Paint Inspectors Kit * Paint Thickness Tester * Pearson Type Detector * Pencil Hardness Tester * Pinhole Detector * Pipe And Cable Locator * Pipe Pit Gauge * Pocket Telescopic Inspection Mirror * Polarization Cell * Portable Leeb Hardness Tester * Potassium Ferricyanide Test Kit * Pressure Blast Analyzer Gauge * Prosonic Ultrasonic Steel Thickness Gauge * Pull Off Adhesion Tester * Rapid Chloride Permeability Test Equipment * Rebar Corrosion Voltmeter * Root Weld Spacing Gauge * Rotary Abrasion Tester * S. S. C Proof Rings * S. S. C Temperature Pressure Vessels * Salt Spray Test Apparatus * Scratch Hardness Tester Manual * Silver Chloride Reference Cell * Socket Weld Contraction Rings * Soil Resistivity Meter * Soil Test Resistance Meter * Solid State Polarization Cell * Spring Loaded Roller * Testex Snap Gauge * Testex Tape * Tinker And Rasor Portable Power Supply * Tooke Paint Inspection Gauge * Ultrasonic Thickness Gauge Steel * Welding Inspection Flashlight Torch * Welding Inspection Mirrors * Welding Profile Gauge * Wet Film Thickness Gauge * Wet Film Wheel Gauge * Whirling Hygrometer * Magnetic Partical Testing * Ndt Testing * Radiography Testing * Penetrant Testing * Third Party Inspection * Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Testing * On Site Inspection Service